
At The Relocatable Home Co, our expertise lies in the buying, selling and relocating of homes.

We are able to offer end-to-end house relocation by working closely with our sister company Jack House Transit to remove and relocate houses for your project.

Jack House Transit have been moving houses since 1896 and are a trusted partner of The Relocatable Home Co.

Request a House Removal or Demolition Quote

About Jack House Transit

Jack House Transit have been providing reliable and efficient house removal and demolition services to the Waikato and Bay of Plenty for over a century. Their goal is to create a seamless and stress-free experience for their customers, with a strong emphasis on professionalism, safety and exceptional customer service.

Services offered:

  • House Removal
  • House Relocation
  • House Demolition

When a house may not be suitable for relocation, whether due to its condition or other factors, Jack House Transit provide trusted, professional and efficient demolition services, with a focus on deconstruction and recycling whenever possible.

Require a house removal or demolition quote? Simply visit the Jack House Transit Request a Quote page.

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