
Avoid Surprises, Ensure Success: The Value of a Site Audit Report

June 24, 2024

Considering purchasing land for relocating a house? Ordering a Site Audit Report from The Relocatable Home Co. is highly recommended for a successful project. Conducted by our experienced Licensed Building Practitioner Qualified Designers, it ensures your project begins on a solid foundation, and helps prevent situations where you invest in land only to find it doesn’t meet your needs.

With a Site Audit Report, our team handles everything for you. This includes contacting councils, analysing regulations and reviewing council plans to determine the best way to utilise your site for a relocatable house. We then plot this information onto a site plan (example below), giving you a comprehensive overview of your site. With clear recommendations, it offers essential knowledge personalised to your section – ultimately preventing costly mistakes, saving you countless hours and avoiding council delays.

What a Site Audit Report Provides

Your tailored Site Audit Report, prepared by our in-house Design team, offers peace of mind with comprehensive insights and clear guidance, including:

  • Property Visualisation: A visual representation of the available space, along with recommended layouts for relocating a house
  • Council Regulatory Review: A detailed examination of council regulations and requirements relevant to your project
  • Council Fee Information: Insights into potential council fees associated with your development
  • Local Permissions Guidance: Clear guidelines on obtaining necessary permissions for relocating dwellings in your specific area
  • Property Title Certificate: Inclusion of a Certificate of Title for your property
  • Site-Specific Details: Information on property boundaries, setbacks, and available services
  • Consultation with Project Manager: A 20-minute consultation with a Project Manager to discuss inquiries, recommendations, and project opportunities

Real-Life Examples Highlighting the Importance of a Site Audit Report

Site Audit Report Assists Mary

Mary contacted us about purchasing a specific piece of land, but she needed to determine if a suitable house could be relocated onto the site. We informed her that a proper evaluation was necessary to make an informed decision. Mary promptly purchased the Site Audit Report.

The next day, our lead designer called her to confirm the details. Over the next few days, he contacted the council, drew up site plans and assembled her personalised Site Audit Report. Unfortunately, the site she was interested in was not suitable for the type of house she wanted.

Although Mary spent $899 on the report, we ultimately saved her thousands of dollars and a great deal of heartache.

Stewart Finds the Perfect House

Stewart contacted us before purchasing a property, enquiring about the types of houses we had for sale. Eager to move quickly, we advised him to slow down and obtain a Site Audit Report to make well-informed decisions. He agreed.

Our in-house architectural designer called Stewart to confirm all the details. As we reviewed the site plans, we discovered that the site was in an extra high wind zone and identified the perfect house for this situation. This house not only fit his site but also met the specifications for an extra high wind zone. Initially, Stewart had discounted this house because it had brick cladding, but this feature made it ideal for his needs.

Our team created a site plan and visually placed the potential building into it, demonstrating that it met all of Stewart’s requirements. By matching him with the right house, we saved weeks of project time. Stewart was thrilled and found the $899 spent on the report worthwhile, as it spared him the hassle of dealing with the council himself, plus prevented him buying a house that was not suitable for the extra high wind zone.

Andrew Finds His Ideal New Home

Andrew was in the process of choosing a house and found one he loved. Already owning a site, he just wanted to ensure that the house would fit. Our design team evaluated his site, considering council-required setbacks, outdoor living areas, service connections and on-site turning requirements.

With their guidance, Andrew proceeded with confidence, knowing his plans were permissible by the council, and he went ahead and purchased the house. The design team created excellent indoor and outdoor living spaces for Andrew, and thanks to their efforts, he obtained all the required consents from the council without any hassles.

Ready to save time, money and kick off your relocatable home project on secure footing?

Order Your Site Audit Report Here 

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