Relocatable Cabin for Sale
- Brand new cabin
- Perfect sleep-out or work from home office space
- Insulated roof and walls
- Double glazed windows and door
- Easy to transport on a trailer
- Painted externally and internally
- Available in the Bay of Plenty, Waikato and Auckland
To find out more about buying this cabin for your site, please call our Sales Hub on 0508 4 RELOCATE (473 562).
Interested to know about our other services?
- Our In-house Design and Project Management team can assist with Consents, Building Plans, Architectural Design as well as Project Management? Give us a call on 0508 4 RELOCATE (0508 473 562) to book a FREE 20-min consultation with our Operations Manager for expert advice on your next project.
- Want to know more about the Relocation process? Read our in-depth guides to Selling and/or Buying a Relocatable Home.
- Any other questions? Give us a call on to find out how we can help.